Fire Erupts at Duquesne Light Power Station on Brunot Island, Pittsburgh
A catastrophic reactor failure has led to a raging fire on Brunot Island, Pittsburgh. The Duquesne Light power station located on the island is the site of this devastating incident. The fire has escalated rapidly, resulting in billowing black smoke spreading across the Ohio River and towards Pittsburgh.
Immediate action has been taken by the Duquesne Light Company and local authorities from Pittsburgh Public Safety. As of the latest update, there have been no reported injuries from the incident, despite the intensity of the blaze.
The lack of a vehicle bridge to the island is posing a challenge to firefighting efforts, requiring fire crews to be ferried over to the site.

Allegheny County and Duquesne Light are being closely monitored for further updates on the situation. Pittsburgh’s Action News 4 has deployed a dedicated crew to the scene to gather comprehensive information.
Stay tuned for more updates on the Brunot Island fire caused by the catastrophic reactor failure.
(source – Twitter )